Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bye Bye baby, hello my little boy

I saw a post of my friends' the other day that I loved. She was speaking directly to her son. I have been really realizing lately how Truman is not much of a baby anymore. He is at such an adorable age! Discovering the world around him, learning to talk and walk and trying so hard to tell us or show us what he wants. This is for you Trubie...

You are becoming such a big boy!You just learned to walk about a month ago and now you are so fast! I love to watch your little scampering feet and your unsteady gait.  You often end up with a bruise somewhere on your head. You don't care much though.

You are discovering all the neat things that your body can do.

You love to eat fruit. Particularily strawberries, grapes and bananas. Nana was one of your first words.

You love to read books! You also love balls. You call them "boo"s and "baw"s.

Whenever you are outside you cary a rock in each hand. You often end up taking other people's or places rocks. We'll have to have a lesson on taking things that aren't ours soon! 

You often get picked on by your older sisters. You are learning to fend for yourselt though :)!

You love your dada so much! You say, "Dada!" and point to the stairs when you hear the garage door go up as Dada is walking in from work. We love you so much Truman and can't imagine our lives without you!


Katie said...

I can't believe how much he has grown up! He is sooo adorable!!

J said...

I love it! He is so cute heather!